It might be supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but not everybody finds the Christmas period to be easy. For those who have a difficult time being around family, it can be especially stressful and if you are a kid who experiences this, it can only make the whole thing even more impactful.
This can also be the time of year when a simple, kind gesture goes a long way, which is what one woman attempted to do for her friend's stepdaughter. The girl was struggling to adjust to her dad and stepmom having a new baby, so she wanted to buy her a Christmas gift along with her friend's biological child. However, her husband took issue with this and argued with her about it in the store. She questioned if she had done something wrong, but the internet had her back and there was a happy ending.
This can also be the time of year when a simple, kind gesture goes a long way, which is what one woman attempted to do for her friend's stepdaughter. The girl was struggling to adjust to her dad and stepmom having a new baby, so she wanted to buy her a Christmas gift along with her friend's biological child. However, her husband took issue with this and argued with her about it in the store. She questioned if she had done something wrong, but the internet had her back and there was a happy ending.