- USDT(TRC-20)
- $36,000.0

I will give a live RTM chat server Burpsuite course in my private RTM Chat server.
PM me to get an invite to the chat or use the Autoshop for the course server invite code.
Why Hackers Learn Burpsuite?
- Credential harvesting: Burp Suite can be used to intercept and manipulate HTTPS traffic, allowing carders/social engineers to collect usernames and passwords from unsuspecting users.
- Carding websites: Burp Suite can help carders identify vulnerabilities in e-commerce websites, enabling them to exploit these weaknesses and make fraudulent purchases.
- Social engineering attacks: Burp Suite's advanced scanning and analysis tools can aid carders in crafting more convincing phishing emails and websites to trick individuals into providing their payment information.
- Automated attacks: Burp Suite's automation capabilities can help carders scale their operations and target multiple victims simultaneously, increasing their chances of success.
What Hackers did with Burpsuite before?
- Target Data Breach - BurpSuite was used to intercept and modify requests between the target website and its payment processor, allowing hackers to steal credit card information from millions of customers.
- Home Depot Data Breach - BurpSuite was used to automate the process of scanning for vulnerabilities in Home Depot's payment processing systems, leading to a massive breach that exposed customer credit card information.
- Marriott International Data Breach - BurpSuite was utilized to conduct a man-in-the-middle attack on Marriott's payment processing systems, resulting in the theft of millions of credit card numbers and personal information.
- Equifax Data Breach - BurpSuite was used to exploit a vulnerability in Equifax's website, allowing hackers to gain access to sensitive financial information, including credit card details, of over 143 million customers.
- TJX Companies Data Breach - BurpSuite was employed to intercept and decrypt credit card transactions between TJX's servers and its payment processors, leading to a breach that exposed millions of customer credit card numbers.
- Heartland Payment Systems Data Breach - BurpSuite played a key role in sniffing out weaknesses in Heartland's payment processing systems, enabling hackers to steal credit card data from hundreds of thousands of customers.
- Sony PlayStation Network Data Breach - BurpSuite was used to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in Sony's online payment systems, resulting in the theft of credit card information from millions of PlayStation Network users.
- Adobe Systems Data Breach - BurpSuite was utilized to intercept and alter requests to Adobe's payment processors, leading to a breach that exposed customer credit card data and other personal information.
- Yahoo Data Breach - BurpSuite was employed to uncover security flaws in Yahoo's payment processing systems, allowing hackers to steal credit card information from millions of users.
Included in my course:
-Latest Burpsuite Software will be provided
-Live chat support for setup and learning how to use burpsuite to hack a website.
- Permanent access to BurpsuiteCourseServer private RTM chat Server for unlimited lifetime support including software updates, assistance and learning new techniques.
Join Today:

Full Course Pass Auto-Purchase Link - Click here to buy Server Pass Now !
By next week, the fee might increase.
Vouch access for 3 CyberWorkers(All Given will give more vouch copies in the future):
Note: as the number of students grow, I will reserve the right to charge more for sharing my red team expertise.
-Latest Burpsuite Software will be provided
-Live chat support for setup and learning how to use burpsuite to hack a website.
- Permanent access to BurpsuiteCourseServer private RTM chat Server for unlimited lifetime support including software updates, assistance and learning new techniques.
Join Today:

Full Course Pass Auto-Purchase Link - Click here to buy Server Pass Now !
By next week, the fee might increase.
Vouch access for 3 CyberWorkers(All Given will give more vouch copies in the future):
Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of: Business Club
Note: as the number of students grow, I will reserve the right to charge more for sharing my red team expertise.