30% Bonus on ALL Wallet Deposit this week
For example, if you deposit $1000, your RTM Balance will be $1000 + $300 advertising wallet that can be used to purchase eligible products and service on forums or request withdrawal.
The limit deposit to get the 30% bonus is $10,000 for a $3000 Marketplace wallet balance Bonus.
On March 3, 2025, while bitcoin (BTC) traded between $92,809 to $93,206 per coin, six distinct addresses initially generated in 2011 transferred about 250 BTC—valued at roughly $23 million—for the first time in 12 years. Old-School BTC Holders Resurface, Move 350 Coins to New Addresses and Exchanges Around 250 BTC departed six legacy P2PKH (Pay-to-Pubkey-Hash) […]
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