It's cold out again, so you know what that means?! Sleeping. Hibernation. Honk shooing wee wee weeing all the way until summer again. If you are an avid sleeper then you are probably more than excited to hibernate this winter. Unfortunately, human hibernation looks nothing like the sleepy time bear's. They get to actually sleep for months, whereas, we still have to go to work and eat and probably move our bodies at least a little bit, ya know? So our version of hibernating is really just being a homebody. But that is the perk about wintertime! This is when it is totally understandable to not go out anymore. It's too dang cold to! Instead, make yourself a nice piping hot pot of tea, finally start digging into that huge fantasy series you've been dying to read, and scroll through all the memes that will make you LOL and that appreciate your love for bed. Ahhhh, bed… Zzzz….