The best thing about employment is getting compensated for your work. No doubt about it. Sure, there are plenty of things we do, and enjoy doing without the incentive of pay. But we call those activities hobbies and volunteering, not work. This is the main tenant of jobs. You work, and then you are paid, so you can live your life and pay for the necessary goods and services it takes to be a human in this world. This is a pretty simple axiom, and yet it seems to trouble many employers.
When you're a salaried worker, you might be willing to do a little work outside your job description now and then in order to help out your company. This will increase your chances of higher compensation in the future, you think. But when you're an hourly worker, especially at a low-paying job, the idea of working for free is insane. Not to mention illegal.
When you're a salaried worker, you might be willing to do a little work outside your job description now and then in order to help out your company. This will increase your chances of higher compensation in the future, you think. But when you're an hourly worker, especially at a low-paying job, the idea of working for free is insane. Not to mention illegal.