Living with someone shines a light on all of their worst qualities. As someone who's had a whole slew of strange roommates, housemates, and nearby neighbors, I can confidently say that some relationships are better at arm's length. Nobody needs the Q-tip mess or the disorderly dirty dishes tower 'soaking' in the sink staining their friendships. And worse, if you realize your roommate is not actually the kind of person you can stand to be around, you might just be stuck with their antics until the lease is up.
This woman found a clever way to call out her roommate's bad behavior. After months of stealing her makeup (which is expensive, by the way), this entitled roommate thought she had their living situation figured out–what's mine is yours, right? No way, sweetheart. As it turns out, the best way to prank a thief is to poison the thing they're obsessed with stealing, so this woman only thought it was fair to add a self-tanner to her foundation, teaching this orange-faced robber the consequences of thievery.
This woman found a clever way to call out her roommate's bad behavior. After months of stealing her makeup (which is expensive, by the way), this entitled roommate thought she had their living situation figured out–what's mine is yours, right? No way, sweetheart. As it turns out, the best way to prank a thief is to poison the thing they're obsessed with stealing, so this woman only thought it was fair to add a self-tanner to her foundation, teaching this orange-faced robber the consequences of thievery.