They see his parents on Christmas Eve and then spend Christmas Day at your house–what more do you want? This man was pushed to his limit with his in-laws when they tried to dictate their holiday plans, but with a non-confrontational wife and pressure from his own family, he tackled their ultimatum with a blind bluff that would rock this Christmas holiday to the core.
Christmastime is here, which means our in-laws are pulling us in every direction. And worse, if you come from a household of divorce with remarriage and remarriage, suddenly you're planning around 4 Christmases instead of 1. There's no perfect way to do the Christmas holidays, but most families are lenient with each other's schedules, cherishing the moments they get to spend together instead of ruining a perfectly delightful dinner with malicious nitpicking, guilt-trips, and ultimatums… Oh wait, that's exactly what happened to the young couple in our next story, who faced a dilemma over whose parents' house they'd spend the holidays.
Read on for all of the details of this nutcracking debacle–it'll certainly make you appreciate your own in-laws for all of their best qualities.
Christmastime is here, which means our in-laws are pulling us in every direction. And worse, if you come from a household of divorce with remarriage and remarriage, suddenly you're planning around 4 Christmases instead of 1. There's no perfect way to do the Christmas holidays, but most families are lenient with each other's schedules, cherishing the moments they get to spend together instead of ruining a perfectly delightful dinner with malicious nitpicking, guilt-trips, and ultimatums… Oh wait, that's exactly what happened to the young couple in our next story, who faced a dilemma over whose parents' house they'd spend the holidays.
Read on for all of the details of this nutcracking debacle–it'll certainly make you appreciate your own in-laws for all of their best qualities.