I am an incredibly easy person to host. I'll sleep anywhere, eat anything, and have one beverage that I consume every day: Diet Coke. I never cease to be surprised and grateful when I'm staying over at a friend or family member's place, and they provide me with a 12-pack or a 2-liter bottle of Diet Coke. It really shows that they care about me and my ability to get through the day. While I do have a slight preference for particular packaging of the soda (20 oz bottles hit different), I would never deny a Diet Coke that someone else bought for me with their hard-earned money. That's why the mother-in-law in this story has me in a tizzy. Imagine your daughter-in-law tries to provide you with some thoughtful hospitality, and you decide to complain about it constantly. If you would be mildly infuriated by that, you've come to the right place.