There's an influencer who has recently been heavily investigated by her fans. Her name is Hannah; she works as a travel nurse and has two young children. Initially, she went viral for talking about finding 17 dirty diapers around her house, claiming that was her rock bottom. It launched a trend where other mothers shared their equivalent of "17 diapers." There have been several other viral videos by this mom that have raised concern from the public. She made a video claiming that she only changes her kid's diaper when he goes number 2 and doesn't do it when he goes number 1 because diapers are too expensive. She said she didn't want to waste money on a winter coat for her kid. There's also a video of her toddler flinching in defense that people are highly suspicious about. This video is yet another part of the Nurse Hannah cinematic universe, and it's just as sad as the other entries.