Gift-giving is not everyone's skill, but most adult humans can be sure about one thing: Trash is not an adequate present for any occasion.
Sure, they used to say, 'One man's trash is another man's treasure,' but that's not always the case when it comes to the red and green boxes wrapped up under the Christmas tree. This clueless family in our next story started wrapping up old recyclables and expecting their artsy daughter-in-law to jump for joy while their other siblings were opening $1,000 jewelry boxes.
Maybe they were right in getting her craft supplies since she is a crafty woman and enjoys creating recycled works of art, but wrapping up dirty used aluminum foil and expecting her to be pleased was a big stretch. Read on to see how this hobbyist turned the tables on some truly horrendous gifts by fabricating a tale of horrors that would make everyone think twice about their next Christmas present idea.
Sure, they used to say, 'One man's trash is another man's treasure,' but that's not always the case when it comes to the red and green boxes wrapped up under the Christmas tree. This clueless family in our next story started wrapping up old recyclables and expecting their artsy daughter-in-law to jump for joy while their other siblings were opening $1,000 jewelry boxes.
Maybe they were right in getting her craft supplies since she is a crafty woman and enjoys creating recycled works of art, but wrapping up dirty used aluminum foil and expecting her to be pleased was a big stretch. Read on to see how this hobbyist turned the tables on some truly horrendous gifts by fabricating a tale of horrors that would make everyone think twice about their next Christmas present idea.