Going on a work trip can create a weird space between working and your personal life. Sure, you're there to work, and you have work obligations while you're there, but you also have to be a human while on company time. You need a place to stay, food to eat, and transportation to and from your home. Usually, this is covered by the company-- after all, you wouldn't be traveling if they hadn't asked you to. But what happens when you quit while you're away?
That's the situation this worker found himself in when he put in his two-week notice while on a work trip. You'd think that regular decorum and protocol would follow, but that's not what happened. He found himself stranded away from home without the support of his workplace. Read on for the details of the story, and see how commenters swooped in to help him with his sticky situation.
That's the situation this worker found himself in when he put in his two-week notice while on a work trip. You'd think that regular decorum and protocol would follow, but that's not what happened. He found himself stranded away from home without the support of his workplace. Read on for the details of the story, and see how commenters swooped in to help him with his sticky situation.