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Despite a strong outing with Thor: Ragnarok, Chris Hemsworth felt that he "became a parody" of himself with Thor: Love and Thunder.
In general, I'm not a massive fan of the MCU - it does a few projects that I actually quite like, and Thor: Ragnarok is one of them. It's fun, the action is good, and I think it did a really good job of highlighting Hemsworth's acting chops, particularly with how funny he is. That comedy aspect is clearly something director Taika Waititi and Hemsworth wanted to double down on with its sequel, except it just ended up being too much (and that's ignoring the awful story). Now, in an interview with Vanity Fair, Hemsworth has shared that he isn't very happy with his Love and Thunder performance.
"I got caught up in the improv and the wackiness, and I became a parody of myself," Hemsworth said. "I didn’t stick the landing." Overall the actor seemed to be quite stressed by the work he's done over the years across his career, noting he'd often be too anxious to turn down a big role, even if he might have wanted to perform in something like a drama or romantic comedy. "I’d been trying to muscle and beat things into existence for so long, out of obsession and desperation to build this career, and I was just exhausted.
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