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Attack on Titan Revolution Update 2.5 is kicking off 2025 for Roblox fans with a new Armored Titan Raid, a rework for Fritz, new Abnormal variants, and more.
The update, which is live now for players across all platforms, launched earlier today and seeks to set the Attack on Titan simulator up for a colossal year. Arriving alongside the ongoing Christmas festivities, every gameplay tweak and cosmetic addition gives players new anime-themed gear and challenges to enjoy.
The aforementioned Armored Titan Raid tops the list of additions, with the team behind Attack on Titan Revolution describing it as a two-phase event that tasks soldiers with defending rescue boats while fighting off the plated beast. With this comes new Raid Artifacts, such as the Scars and Rifle, and cosmetics, like the Young Reiner’s Outfit and Marleyan Band.
The Fritz rework, meanwhile, includes extra defense and support perk slots with an assortment of smaller tweaks, as well as the skills Founder’s Vengeance, Founder’s Will, and Chaos. As for those new Abnormal variants, Roblox players can expect to fight off the Leader, Rager, Ducker, and Iceburst, with each featuring unique qualities to keep players on their toes. The Leader, for example, stands apart with glowing yellow marks and can buff titans in close proximity.
Another headline from Attack on Titan Revolution Update 2.5 involves the new Thunderspear gear. The full patch notes detail the obtainment method, which involves reaching Prestige 1 and completing a series of quests, and how the new explosive tools can be used to gain the upper hand in battle. Finally, fans can expect a series of quality-of-life changes, bug fixes, and other smaller, foundational changes to greet them when logging in for Update 2.5 for the first time. Highlights include an automatic detonation setting for Spears, an extension for battle pass 2, and an additional free memory storage slot.
Attack on Titan Revolution is kicking off 2025 with more content themed after one of anime’s most popular stories. For more on how to enjoy this Roblox take on omnidirectional action, you can find our full list of active codes here. You can also check out the full 2.5 Update patch notes below.
New Christmas Event:
Spawn Rates:
New Event Cosmetics:
Christmas Crate Cosmetics:
Armored Titan Raid:
New Raid Artifacts:
New Raid Cosmetics:
Fritz Rework:
New Thunderspear Skills:
Season 2 Battlepass:
New Abnormal Variants:
New Thunderspear Perks:
Thunderspear Conversion Stats: (When Thunderspears are equipped, these stats will convert for perks and artifact substats)
New Thunderspear Memories (Can only be rolled after unlocking thunderspears):
New Gamepasses:
QOL Changes:
Bug Fixes:
Misc. Changes:
Michael Cripe is a freelance contributor with IGN. He started writing in the industry in 2017 and is best known for his work at outlets such as The Pitch, The Escapist, OnlySP, and Gameranx.
Be sure to give him a follow on Twitter @MikeCripe.
The update, which is live now for players across all platforms, launched earlier today and seeks to set the Attack on Titan simulator up for a colossal year. Arriving alongside the ongoing Christmas festivities, every gameplay tweak and cosmetic addition gives players new anime-themed gear and challenges to enjoy.
The aforementioned Armored Titan Raid tops the list of additions, with the team behind Attack on Titan Revolution describing it as a two-phase event that tasks soldiers with defending rescue boats while fighting off the plated beast. With this comes new Raid Artifacts, such as the Scars and Rifle, and cosmetics, like the Young Reiner’s Outfit and Marleyan Band.
The Fritz rework, meanwhile, includes extra defense and support perk slots with an assortment of smaller tweaks, as well as the skills Founder’s Vengeance, Founder’s Will, and Chaos. As for those new Abnormal variants, Roblox players can expect to fight off the Leader, Rager, Ducker, and Iceburst, with each featuring unique qualities to keep players on their toes. The Leader, for example, stands apart with glowing yellow marks and can buff titans in close proximity.
Another headline from Attack on Titan Revolution Update 2.5 involves the new Thunderspear gear. The full patch notes detail the obtainment method, which involves reaching Prestige 1 and completing a series of quests, and how the new explosive tools can be used to gain the upper hand in battle. Finally, fans can expect a series of quality-of-life changes, bug fixes, and other smaller, foundational changes to greet them when logging in for Update 2.5 for the first time. Highlights include an automatic detonation setting for Spears, an extension for battle pass 2, and an additional free memory storage slot.
Attack on Titan Revolution is kicking off 2025 with more content themed after one of anime’s most popular stories. For more on how to enjoy this Roblox take on omnidirectional action, you can find our full list of active codes here. You can also check out the full 2.5 Update patch notes below.
Attack on Titan Revolution Update 2.5 Patch Notes
Update 2.5 + Christmas Event
New Christmas Event:
- Christmas 2D Lobby
- Christmas-Themed 3D Lobby
- New Winter Tokens Currency
- Obtained from killing titans with Christmas hats
Spawn Rates:
- Elf Hat titans have a 1/5 chance to spawn and drop 1 Winter Token
- Santa Hat titans have a 1/50 chance to spawn and drops 10 Winter Tokens.
- Can also be obtained through robux
New Event Cosmetics:
- Grumpy (Exclusive) [Armored Titan Skin]
- Santa Hat (Exclusive)
- Elf Hat (Exclusive)
- New Event Market Section + Buying Boosts
Christmas Crate Cosmetics:
- All cosmetics have an equal chance of appearing at 11.11%
- Candy Cane Blades
- Christmas Gear
- Christmas Sheath
- Cookie
- Gingerbread Blades
- Hot Chocolate
- Pointy Candy Cane Blades
- Santa Sack
- Snowman Head
Armored Titan Raid:
- Defend the rescue boats while fighting the Armored Titan
- Two phases:
- Phase 1: Weaken the Armored Titan - During this phase, players must attack weak points on the Armored Titan in order to expose its nape. This phase ends when the Armored Titan’s HP reaches 50.0%.
- Phase 2: Defeat the Armored TItan - During this phase, the Armored Titan has been sufficiently weakened, allowing all parts of its body to take damage.
New Raid Artifacts:
- Scars (Mythical)
- Rifle (Legendary)
- Backpack (Epic)
New Raid Cosmetics:
- Young Reiner’s Outfit (Legendary)
- Marleyan Band (Rare)
Fritz Rework:
- Passives:
- Unlock any family exclusive shifter skills
- Extra Defense Perk Slot
- Extra Support Perk Slot
- 20.0% Shifter Stats
- 15.0% Crit Chance/Damage
- 10.0% Damage in Raids
- 10.0% Gem Gain
- 10.0% Damage
- 10.0% CD Reduction
- 10.0% Awakening Bar Gain
- 10.0% Gold/Bar XP Gain for all party members
- Founder’s Vengeance
- Founder’s Will
- Chaos
- Obtainment Method: (Requires Prestige 1+)
- Thunderspear Quests:
- Thunderspear Handle:
- Create 3 watch towers in Outskirts [Skirmish Objective]
- Escort 1 horse carriage in Outskirts [Skirmish Objective]
- Thunderspear Thruster:
- Collect 3 Ice Burst Stones in Utgard [Skirmish Objective]
- Thunderspear Base:
- Retrieve 3 Missing Supply Crates in Giant Forest [Skirmish Objective]
- Defend the Missing Supply Crates in Giant Forest [Skirmish Objective]
New Thunderspear Skills:
- Grasp Blast
- Flashbang
- Hellfire Barrage
- Meteoric Rain
- Dual Shot
- Revolving Pierce
- Homing Missile
- Combustive Counter
- Ackerman/Shiki
- Thunder Barrage
- Lightning Bolt
- Additional Thunderspear Information:
- Has a max kill cap (TS limbs hit) of 3 by default.
- The number on the left is the distance the player is away from being able to trigger the thunderspear
- The more green it is, the closer the player is, and the redder it is, the further the player is from the thunderspear
- There is a setting to control whether you want to detonate the thunderspear manually or automatically after unlocking Scout’s Instinct
- Thunderspears will automatically explode if:
- It has been in the air for 5 seconds without hitting anything
- It has been 10 seconds since it’s hit something
- The player is 1000 studs away from the thunderspear
Season 2 Battlepass:
- New Cosmetics for Thunderspears:
- Icarus Equipment [Tier 75] (Premium)
- Icarus Gear [Tier 100] (Free)
New Abnormal Variants:
- Titan with glowing yellow marks that buffs nearby titans by screaming.
- Causes nearby titans to become enhanced with 25% stat boost in walkspeed, nape health, and damage.
- The enhancement from Leader variants is cancelled when the leader is killed.
- Titan with glowing red marks, a 100% stat buff in speed, and the ability to scream.
- Titan that has no cosmetic indicators at first sight, but evades nape attacks by rolling backwards, and can thrash wildly when attacked from the front or sides.
- Spawn exclusively in Utgard map on Hard+ difficulty
- Drops ice burst stones for thunderspear quest
- In order to defeat them, players must hit their nape 3 times in quick succession (within 7.5 seconds after each hit) which causes an explosion, making their nape vulnerable.
New Thunderspear Perks:
- Maximum Firepower (Body) [Mythical]
- Spear Speed increases by 20.0%~40.0%
- Spear Count increases by 2~4
- Spears no longer have recoil when being fired
- Everlasting Flame (Offense) [Mythical]
- Blast Radius increases by 15.0%~30.0%
- Each explosion does 10.0%~30.0% burn damage
- Munitions Master (Support) [Legendary]
- Spear Count increases by 2~4
- Munitions Expert (Support) [Epic]
- Spear Count increases by 1~2
Thunderspear Conversion Stats: (When Thunderspears are equipped, these stats will convert for perks and artifact substats)
- ODM Damage = TS Damage
- ODM Control = TS Control
- ODM Gas = TS Gas
- ODM Speed = TS Speed
- ODM Range = TS Range
- Blade Durability = 0.5x Conservation Chance
- Swing Duration = Blast Radius
- ODM Limbs hit = 0.5x TS Limbs hit
New Thunderspear Memories (Can only be rolled after unlocking thunderspears):
- Afterimages (Offense) [4-Star]
- Spear explosions create a smaller explosion in their wake, doing 30.0% DMG
- Steel Frame (Defense) [3-Star]
- All explosions deal 25.0% less self DMG and grant immunity to any explosions for 5s
- Marksman (Offense) [3-Star]
- Increase DMG by 0.4% for each 5m traveled per spear (Max 465m)
- Surgeshot (Offense) [1-Star]
- Holding your Spear’s M1 for longer increases the BLAST RADIUS
New Gamepasses:
- Memory Bag
- Increase the maximum amount of memories that you can hold by 3 (Default 1 without gamepass)
- Auto Sell
- Automatically sell selected rarities for perks/artifacts that are obtained from crafting/missions/raids
- Talent "Overslash" now procs from where the titan dies instead of where your player is
- Skill "Command" now affects stat "Conservation Chance"
- To get the 'Warbringer' achievement, you now need 25.0% damage
- Armored Shard cost lowered to 24,999
QOL Changes:
- Added Setting 'Automatic Detonation' for Spears
- Added 1 free memory storage slot
- ‘Battlepass 2’ extension that lasts 2 weeks
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed perk "Tyrant's Stare"
- Reduced lobby loading times a bit(?)
- Maybe fixed losing random body parts when ragdolled(?)
- Fixed perk slots sometimes just not appearing
- Fixed perk slots sometimes not being interactable
Misc. Changes:
- No titans spawn in raids after 15 minutes
- Added ‘Follow’ rewards in the Main Menu (PERMANENT buffs)
- Added ‘Onikiri Spear Gear’ and ‘Onikiri Spear Equipment’ obtainable from the Onikiri Raid (Must be using Thunderspears while in this raid for TS related drops).
- 0.3% (Hard)
- 0.9% (Severe)
- 3.0% (Aberrant)
Michael Cripe is a freelance contributor with IGN. He started writing in the industry in 2017 and is best known for his work at outlets such as The Pitch, The Escapist, OnlySP, and Gameranx.
Be sure to give him a follow on Twitter @MikeCripe.