It's that time of the year. When it's perfectly acceptable to say you can't hang out because you have BIG plans of staying in and drinking out cocoa at home cuddled up under a warm fuzzy blanket. Why would you go out in the wet cold when you can stay warm and cozy at home? It just is the best option. Duh. If you really think some party or dinner is going to top a relaxing night at home with your favorite hot cocoa, then you're bonkers. Why are you even here? Do you even LIKE hot chocolate? Bet you use water instead of milk… You're a monster. Okay, I'm sorry, sorry. I'm. getting carried away. Obviously I have a passion for hot chocolate: Many of us have a good connection to the stuff! Reminds me of the feeling when you were a kid and just went sledding and had a fun snowball fight with all of your friends and then you get home and have a nice hot cup of coco. It's the best! So, let it snow and let us meme about it!