The imagination is an incredibly important thing. An active imagination is a good sign of mental health. You need to be able to imagine new things, new ways, and new worlds, or else it's too easy to get bogged down in this one. We don't get a ton of ways to activate our imaginations as adults. Maybe we're lucky and our jobs allow us to be creative, so we can use the right side of our brains more often. The rest of us, though, will have to settle for extracurriculars.
Role-play games like Dungeons and Dragons are the perfect way to get that hamster wheel running in the right direction. You have to imagine what it's like to be a whole other being, one with different powers and capabilities than you. You have to creatively problem solve and think about things from a new perspective. And you have to work with people together toward a common goal.
Role-play games like Dungeons and Dragons are the perfect way to get that hamster wheel running in the right direction. You have to imagine what it's like to be a whole other being, one with different powers and capabilities than you. You have to creatively problem solve and think about things from a new perspective. And you have to work with people together toward a common goal.