It is often said that dogs are man's best friend. They help us feel better when we're down, make us feel seen when we feel like the world is against us, and give us something to look forward to. They provide so much of what our human-shaped loved ones provide us, but they do it on four legs. They can also annoy us just like our human best friends. Where your human best friends might get your goat by being constantly late to your lunch plans, your dog best friends might annoy you by eating their lunch too fast and then begging for more.
Where you might find conflict with your human best friends over who they're choosing to date, your dog best friends might bring a deceased bird into your house. Where you might try to keep your friend from sending a text they might regret the next morning, you might try to get your dog to stop barking. Both are equally futile.
Where you might find conflict with your human best friends over who they're choosing to date, your dog best friends might bring a deceased bird into your house. Where you might try to keep your friend from sending a text they might regret the next morning, you might try to get your dog to stop barking. Both are equally futile.