Sometimes emotions and experiences are difficult to describe with words. What is language, anyways? It's just an invented mode of communication through weird sounds you make with your mouth. Everyone has their own personal relationship to every single word and sound due to how they were first introduced to it. So how can you use it to truly describe yourself anyhow? So, if language can't even help to get your therapist to further understand your plight, what will? Well, we have the solution for you… MEMES! Yes, memes. Hear us out: Sure, we're not PhDs, BUT we sure know our memes and they hit every emotion known to man—and if by some wild whim there isn't a meme for how you feel, you can MAKE one. It's a beautiful thing really. Millennials brought them into the world and now they have soar to unimaginable heights. There is no limit when it comes to memes. So, take these memes with you to your next therapy sesh, we bet your doc will get a good laugh at the very least!