Adulting can be really hard. Transitioning from a carefree life as a child; being financially supported and cared for by your parents is a comforting feeling and moving into the harsh world of adult reality is tough. Sometimes you think, "Hey, wouldn't it be nice to just keep the old arrangement going?" Maybe it depends on the person or the parents but as this 20-year-old found out, being a fully grown adult and still having your father treat you as a child is not a good way to live.
The 20-year-old in this next story explains that his relationship with his father is reaching a boiling point after he tries to break free from the shackles that are his overbearing family—particularly, his father. Many folks would love to have a parent who is involved, but this new adult is trying to rewrite his story without his family breathing down his neck. Between his father berating him about his so-called incapabilities, to prying about his living arrangements and dating life, this 20-year-old is trying to strategize a way out of his father's spotlight. Scroll to read.
The 20-year-old in this next story explains that his relationship with his father is reaching a boiling point after he tries to break free from the shackles that are his overbearing family—particularly, his father. Many folks would love to have a parent who is involved, but this new adult is trying to rewrite his story without his family breathing down his neck. Between his father berating him about his so-called incapabilities, to prying about his living arrangements and dating life, this 20-year-old is trying to strategize a way out of his father's spotlight. Scroll to read.