Getting someone's name right is one of the basic building blocks of being someone's coworker. Heck, it's the building blocks of being someone's friend. It's kind of step one on the ladder of respect. But sometimes names are hard to remember. If someone's name is something common like "John" "Ryan" or "David," it can definitely take a few tries before it clicks into my consciousness. But if you're working with someone every day, you need to put the effort in. Even if it's one of those names that's easily mispronounced or confused with other names. It might be especially prudent in those cases since those folks might be a little sensitive about everyone constantly getting their name wrong.
The coworkers in this story did not adhere to that tenant, though, and caused a rift with one of the bunch. But their reaction to her politely correcting them was baffling. Read on for the story.
The coworkers in this story did not adhere to that tenant, though, and caused a rift with one of the bunch. But their reaction to her politely correcting them was baffling. Read on for the story.